
About TTG

TTG. Beyond Technology


About TTG

TTG is a Cayman Islands based advisory firm, specializing in telecommunications and cyber security. We provide expert guidance to governments and corporations in the Caribbean on a range of issues, including 4G and 5G network deployment, regulation development, use case development, incident response, and ransomware remediation.

As the only company in the region with a private 5G lab, we offer our clients the unique opportunity to test and validate applications in a real network environment. This state-of-the-art facility allows us to provide unparalleled support to our clients as they prepare for 5G and other network upgrades.

Customers can take advantage of TTG’s proof-of-concept and innovation lab to validate potential solutions and confirm the value it would bring to their business before investing in a full deployment. The scale of work can include small product evaluations up to large network simulations. 

In addition to our 5G lab, we offer a range of advisory services to help our clients succeed in the digital age. Our team of experts has a proven track record of delivering successful projects in the region, and we are dedicated to helping our clients navigate the rapidly evolving world of telecommunications and cyber security.

What we do:

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